3 Key Requirements To Avoid a Heart Attack or Stroke

March 28, 2023 1 min read

Key Requirements To Avoid a Heart Attack or Stroke

Watch this free video series to learn more about what can cause a cardiovascular event - and how to prevent it naturally.

This resource is for you

  • If you want to avoid being a heart disease “statistics”

  • If you want to minimize your reliance on medications for risk factors such as high blood pressure, cholesterol and irregular heart beat because of the potential for multiple side effects

  • if you want prevent or reverse plaque build up and

  • if you want to energize & restore the youth of your heart and arteries

Heart disease, a leading cause of premature death, is known to be a preventable disease. All you have to do is limit your fat intake, salt intake, ensure adequate fiber intake, eat healthy avoid smoking and be moderately active. Well, many health conscious people follow most or all of these know suggestions, and still end up on medications for risk factors such as cholesterol and high blood pressure. Particularly at risk are women because their survival rate from a first heart attack is lower than men’s. As a naturopathic doctor and an author of books about the subject, I know that most of these suggestions, except smoking, have little to do with the health of your heart and arteries. Do you want to take control of your heart health? Well, start here