Back to College Essentials: Your must-have guide!

October 03, 2023 5 min read

Back to College Essentials: Your must-have guide!

We understand that deciding what to bring to college can be overwhelming. To ease your stress, we have compiled a list of items you'll need for better focus, comfort and campus living.

The first few weeks of college can be hectic, so it's wise to sort out your belongings well in advance. We recommend starting your packing process at least a few weeks before your departure to campus. By doing so, you can avoid any last-minute errands on move-in day!

College requires more than just pen and paper like in elementary or high school. Here are some things we recommend you to pack!

Desk Organizer

A desk organizer is essential for college students as it enhances organization, reduces distractions, promotes an efficient workflow, reduces stress, and improves productivity. By providing designated compartments and storage spaces, a desk organizer keeps study materials, stationery, and supplies neatly organized and easily accessible. This helps you save time, maintain focus, and establish a logical workflow. 

A clutter-free workspace contributes to a sense of calm, reduces stress levels, and creates a conducive environment for studying and working. Ultimately, utilizing a desk organizer can greatly enhance a college student's productivity and overall academic experience.

Calendar or Planner

A calendar or planner is of utmost importance for university students when it comes to managing their schedule and improving focus on assignments. With many deadlines, classes, exams, and extracurricular activities, having a calendar or planner allows you to plan and organize your time effectively. 

It provides a visual representation of the schedule, enabling you to allocate dedicated time slots for studying, completing assignments, attending classes, and engaging in other commitments. 

By using a calendar or planner, students can avoid last-minute cramming, reduce the risk of missing important deadlines, and maintain a structured approach to their academic responsibilities. It serves as a proactive tool that enhances time management skills, promotes accountability, and helps students stay focused and on track with university assignments.

Natural Light Lamp

A natural light lamp holds significant importance for college students due to its positive impact on their well-being and productivity. Natural light has been found to have various benefits, including boosting mood, enhancing concentration, and regulating the sleep-wake cycle. However, you may often spend long hours indoors, studying in artificial lighting or dimly lit spaces. This lack of exposure to natural light can lead to fatigue, eyestrain, and a decline in cognitive performance. 

By using a natural light lamp, which mimics the qualities of sunlight, you can create a more vibrant and energizing study environment. The lamp's full-spectrum light can help regulate circadian rhythms, improve mood, and increase alertness. It can also reduce eye fatigue and strain, making it easier to focus on reading, writing, and studying. Additionally, the lamp can be particularly beneficial for students who face limited access to natural daylight, such as those living in windowless dorm rooms or studying during evening hours. Incorporating a natural light lamp into their study space can contribute to improved well-being, enhanced focus, and increased productivity for college students!

Healthy Snacks 

College life can be demanding, with long hours of classes, studying, and extracurricular activities. Healthy snacks provide a steady supply of energy, keeping you fueled throughout the day. Opting for nutritious options like fruits, nuts, granola bars, or yogurt can help prevent energy crashes and maintain concentration levels, allowing students to stay focused and alert during lectures and study sessions. By choosing these healthy snacks, you will supply your brain with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients support cognitive performance, memory retention, and information processing, enabling you to absorb and retain knowledge more effectively.

Cognitive Health Supplements

In addition to healthy snacks, you can further support your cognitive health by considering the inclusion of a cognitive health supplement containing bacopa, Rhodiola rosea, or both.

Bacopa, known for its cognitive-enhancing properties, has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to support memory, concentration, and overall brain function. It has been found to promote the growth of nerve endings, enhance neurotransmitter activity, and exhibit antioxidant effects, all of which contribute to improved cognitive performance. 

Rhodiola rosea, on the other hand, is renowned for its adaptogenic properties, helping the body adapt to stress and promoting mental clarity and focus. It has been shown to reduce fatigue, enhance mood, and support cognitive function under stressful conditions. 

By incorporating a supplement containing bacopa, Rhodiola rosea, or a combination of both, college students may experience benefits such as improved memory retention, increased attention span, enhanced mental stamina, and reduced stress levels, all of which are vital for academic success. 

A great formula isRhoziva Brain, a formula developed by a naturopathic doctor and tested to show improvement in concentration, focus and mental clarity within 1-6 days of use! 

Comfortable Desk Chair Cushion

A comfortable desk chair cushion holds significant importance for college students as it provides crucial support and enhances their overall study experience. Spending long hours seated while studying or working on assignments can lead to discomfort, poor posture, and even back pain. 

A well-designed desk chair cushion helps alleviate these issues by providing cushioning and ergonomic support, promoting proper spinal alignment, and reducing pressure on the back and hips. By incorporating a comfortable cushion, college students can improve their sitting posture, reduce the risk of musculoskeletal discomfort, and enhance their focus and productivity. The cushion's soft padding and contoured design offer a cozy and supportive seating experience, allowing students to concentrate on their studies without the distraction of discomfort or body aches. Ultimately, investing in a comfortable desk chair cushion is a valuable choice for college students, as it prioritizes their well-being and creates an optimal study environment conducive to academic success.

Noise-cancelling Headphones

Block out distractions and create a focused atmosphere with noise-cancelling headphones. They help minimize background noise, allowing you to concentrate better on your studies.Residence halls can get loud. Similar to ear plugs, noise-cancelling headphones can help with focus or sleep. Some students also enjoy listening to music while they study or hang out, so it’s recommended to bring some to avoid disrupting others as well.

Digital Tools: Leverage productivity apps and digital tools like note-taking apps, task managers, and online collaboration platforms to streamline your workflow, take organized notes, and stay on top of your assignments.

Eye mask 

If you have a roommate, It's likely that the two of you have different sleep schedules and habits. One might be ready to go to sleep by 10 p.m., while the other stays up playing video games. In situations like this, an eye mask and ear plugs can help shut out light and drown out noise from a roommate or others in nearby rooms.