What happens to the brain as we age: Discover how to protect it!

July 24, 2023 7 min read

What happens to the brain as we age: Discover how to protect it!

As we journey through life, our brain, the epicenter of our experiences, undergoes transformative changes. In this article, we will delve into the effects of aging on the brain, the cognitive shifts that occur, and the stories of celebrities who have faced neurological challenges. Additionally, we'll introduce you to a powerful brain booster supplement designed to support cognitive well-being and healthy aging. Read on and protect your brain! 


How Does Aging Affect The Brain?

Aging is an inevitable part of life, and our brain is not immune to its effects. As the years pass, the brain experiences natural changes that can impact our cognitive abilities and overall mental health. Understanding this process is crucial to empower ourselves and make informed decisions about brain health.

Cognitive Decline:

One of the most prevalent effects of aging on the brain is cognitive decline. As we age, certain cognitive functions tend to diminish, including processing speed, working memory, attention, and executive functions. These changes can manifest as a decreased ability to multitask, reduced mental agility, and longer response times. While these declines are a normal part of the aging process, the rate and severity can vary greatly from person to person. However, it's essential to distinguish between normal age-related cognitive decline and potential signs of neurological disorders.

Structural Changes:

The aging brain undergoes structural changes, One of the most noticeable changes in the aging brain is a reduction in overall brain volume. As we get older, the brain's weight and size gradually decrease. This shrinkage is more pronounced in certain regions, such as the prefrontal cortex (involved in decision-making and planning) and the hippocampus (crucial for memory). The loss of brain volume can influence cognitive functions associated with these regions.

Neurotransmitter Imbalance:

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that facilitate communication between neurons. As we age, there can be imbalances in the levels of certain neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin. These imbalances can affect mood regulation and contribute to the higher incidence of mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety, in older individuals.

Neural Connectivity Decline:

The brain's neural connections are crucial for optimal cognitive function. The brain is a vast network of interconnected neurons that communicate with each other to process information. As we age, these neural connections may become less efficient and robust. This can affect how quickly the brain processes information and leads to changes in cognitive abilities like memory, attention, and problem-solving.

Accumulation of Cellular Damage:

Throughout life, the brain is exposed to various stressors and harmful substances, leading to the accumulation of cellular damage. Oxidative stress and inflammation play significant roles in brain aging. Over time, these factors can impair cellular function and lead to the death of brain cells, contributing to age-related cognitive decline and increasing the risk of neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.


Chronic inflammation in the brain is associated with aging and is linked to various neurological conditions. Persistent inflammation can damage brain cells and disrupt neural networks, affecting cognitive processes.


Celebrities and Neurological/ Brain Disorders

Celebrities, with their glamorous lifestyles and high-profile careers, often appear to live picture-perfect lives. However, behind the glitz and glamor, they too face their share of challenges, including battles with neurological disorders due to aging or other factors. These stories shed light on the importance of brain health awareness and the importance of healthy aging and protecting our brains. Here are some of their stories:

Bruce Willis - Confronting Aphasia: The Challenge of Language

Aphasia, a neurological condition, arises from damage to one or multiple language-related brain areas, as stated by the US National Institutes of Health. It profoundly impacts crucial language abilities, including speaking, understanding others, reading, and writing. The range of its effects varies from mild difficulties in finding specific words to severe cases where individuals lose their ability to communicate entirely.

With approximately 2 million people in the U.S. and 250,000 in the U.K. affected, Aphasia knows no boundaries, potentially affecting individuals of all age groups, although it is more common among middle-aged to older people.

Traditionally, Aphasia has been recognized as a language deficit, but recent studies are shedding light on additional cognitive areas affected simultaneously. These include attention, memory, executive functions, and learning capabilities.

Brad Pitt's Struggle with Prosopagnosia: 

In a candid interview with Esquire magazine back in 2013, Brad Pitt opened up about a challenging aspect of his life - his battle with prosopagnosia. Also known as face blindness or facial agnosia, prosopagnosia is a neurological disorder that hampers an individual's ability to recognize faces, including their own, in some cases.

Prosopagnosia can be a perplexing and distressing condition for those affected. The inability to recognize familiar faces can lead to misunderstandings, social awkwardness, and frustration. As a public figure, Pitt's disclosure of his struggle with prosopagnosia brought attention to this relatively lesser-known neurological disorder, increasing awareness and understanding about the challenges faced by those with face blindness.

Michael J. Fox: Embracing Parkinson's 

Michael J. Fox, the beloved actor renowned for his unforgettable roles in both television and movies, faced a life-changing diagnosis of early-onset Parkinson's disease in his early 30s. Initially grappling with denial, he eventually emerged as a prominent advocate for those impacted by Parkinson's, becoming a beacon of hope for the Parkinson's community.

After coming to terms with his diagnosis, Fox embarked on a transformative journey to raise awareness and support research for Parkinson's disease. In a remarkable display of courage and determination, he founded the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research, a groundbreaking organization that has raised millions of dollars to fuel vital research initiatives.

The foundation's relentless efforts have significantly contributed to understanding the complexities of Parkinson's and exploring potential treatments and therapies. 

The Late Robin Williams - Lewy Body Dementia

The world was deeply saddened by the shocking news of Robin Williams' suicide in 2014. While he had previously been diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, few knew that he was also battling an extreme case of Lewy Body Dementia.

Lewy Body Dementia is named after protein deposits known as Lewy bodies, which form in nerve cells in brain regions responsible for thinking, memory, and motor control. Although Robin's case was severe, most individuals with Lewy Body Dementia experience a progressive decline in mental abilities.

The symptoms of this condition include visual hallucinations, movement disorders, impaired regulation of body functions (such as blood pressure, pulse, and sweating), cognitive issues, sleep disturbances, attention difficulties, depression, and loss of motivation. 

How Can You Protect Your Brain Health?

One of the most effective approaches to safeguarding the brain from neurological disorders is through the incorporation of natural supplements into our daily routine that protect the brain's current stage and slow down its aging. A growing body of research supports the potential benefits of certain natural compounds in enhancing brain health and reducing the risk of cognitive decline.

Embracing natural supplements as part of a balanced lifestyle may serve as a proactive measure to maintain brain health and reduce the likelihood of neurological disorders as we age.

Introducing Rhoziva Brain - The Brain Booster

What is Rhoziva Brain?

Rhoziva Brain by Nanton Nutraceuticals is a blend of medicinal plant extracts and vitamins, designed to help with cognitive function by supporting memory and concentration.

What is the science behind it?

One of the star ingredients in Rhoziva Brain is Bacopa. A herb that has been extensively studied for its potential cognitive-enhancing effects. Research papers have explored various aspects of Bacopa's benefits, focusing on memory, learning, and overall brain health. Here are some key benefits of Bacopa, supported by research papers:

1. Enhancing Memory & Cognitive Function:

Bacopa contains active compounds called bacosides, which are believed to improve cognitive function by facilitating communication between nerve cells in the brain. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on Bacopa supplementation showed that it improved cognitive function and memory in healthy adults and elderly individuals. Another study found that Bacopa supplementation improved working memory and attention in healthy adults

2. Anti-Anxiety and Anti-Stress Properties:

Bacopa may also have anxiolytic and anti-stress effects by modulating levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and GABA, which are involved in mood regulation. A study on humans showed that Bacopa reduced anxiety and improved mood in healthy volunteers.

3. Protecting The Brain:

Bacopa has antioxidant properties, which means it can help protect the brain from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells and contribute to aging and disease. Animal studies have shown that Bacopa has neuroprotective effects against oxidative stress and neurotoxicity.

By combining Bacopa with other ingredients in a supplement such as Rhodiola rosea, B-vitamins, Magnesium, Zinc and more, they create a synergistic effect that optimizes brain health and cognitive abilities. This comprehensive approach aims to provide support for memory, focus, attention, and mental clarity, making the supplement a potential aid in boosting brain function. 

Testimonials and Success Stories :

Luciana Batistuta on November 9, 2022:

"Rhoziva Brain Supplement has helped me maintain concentration and focus. Moreover, it has improved my concentration level and also increased my mood for day-to-day activities. I highly recommend it!"

Cecile Lafleur on May 01, 2023:

“As a longtime sufferer of Fibromyalgia brain fog and pain are two symptoms I struggled with all the time. The brain fog was so debilitating that on my really bad days (which is almost every day) I was not able to drive or go out. Over the years I’ve tried many supplements and vitamins which advertised would solve my problems. Nothing worked. Then one day I came across Rhoziva Brain while searching for another product to try. I’ve been taking Rhoziva Brain for six weeks now and am amazed at how effective this product has been for me. In fact, I noticed a big difference the morning after my first dose. I actually slept through the night and woke up with “no brain fog” and the pain was minimal. I was able to get up clear-headed, not stumbling over everything and perform my morning routine without constantly going in circles. I’m more able to stay focused on what I’m doing, and I’ve found when things don’t go right I’m not aggravated, I’m less grumpy. I’m not one who loves to take medications so -this product has been a lifesaver for me. Thank you for making such a great Canadian product that works. You’ve improved my quality of life.”


Aging is one thing we can’t stop, but we can protect ourselves and our brains and age in a healthy way while maintaining our brain function and focus and cognitive abilities. The experiences of celebrities with neurological disorders help raise awareness to these issues and serve as a wake-up call for people to take care of their neurological health. Rhoziva Brain can be a powerful ally in your quest for enhanced cognitive well-being and protect yourself from these brain disorders.  Remember, understanding and caring for our brains are vital for living a fulfilling and thriving life.